reading pmbok pass pmp exam

I often receive emails from PMP aspirants asking for advice regarding study resources for the PMP exam.

They ask me if the PMBOK Guide is enough for the PMP exam preparation.

Please note that the PMBOK Guide is a must-read book for the PMP certification exam. You must read the PMBOK Guide several times before taking the PMP certification exam because it is the basis for this exam.

However, you must also refer to some other PMP exam preparation books to pass the exam because the PMBOK Guide does not explain all the concepts well and does not address all the questions on the test.

You also have to practice exam questions to prepare for the PMP exam.

I have listed some famous books on this blog. You can review those books, discuss them with your friends, and then decide which book to purchase.

My Recommended Study Resources for the PMP Exam

I would recommend you use the following resources for your PMP exam preparation:

If you use the above resources for your PMP exam preparation, I strongly believe you will pass the exam on your first attempt.


The PMBOK Guide is an important resource but insufficient to prepare you for the PMP exam. You will need some additional study resources for your preparation. The materials should include a good PMP exam reference book, some practice questions, and the PMP Exam Preparation Tool.

Good luck with your PMP exam preparation.

What study resources are you using? Please share it in the comments section.

Fahad Usmani, PMP

I am Mohammad Fahad Usmani, B.E. PMP, PMI-RMP. I have been blogging on project management topics since 2011. To date, thousands of professionals have passed the PMP exam using my resources.