Preparing for the PMI-RMP is difficult, and you may not find many high-quality exam resources—especially for practicing sample questions. I struggled to find a high-quality PMI-RMP exam simulator to help me practice sample questions for the PMI-RMP exam.

PMI-RMP exam simulators are essential for exam preparation. They help you understand risk management concepts deeply and familiarize yourself with the exam format and questions. 

However, now you can practice high-quality PMI-RMP exam sample questions at an affordable price. The simulator is designed to help refine your skills and increase your chances of passing the PMI-RMP exam.

In today’s blog post, I will provide you with the best PMI-RMP exam simulator to support your exam preparation journey.

Brain Sensei PMI-RMP Exam Simulator

Brain Sensei was founded by John Estrella and Chris Stafford to help professionals pass the PMI certifications. Their courses are known for high levels of interaction and gamification. They have recently launched the PMI-RMP exam simulator to help you prepare for the exam.

This online simulator includes 760 realistic exam questions and unlimited practice exams. The questions align with the latest PMI-RMP exam content, applicable in 2024.

A few salient features of this simulator are:

  • 760+ sample practice questions
  • Three full practice exams
  • Acronyms, definitions, and domain quizzes
  • One unlimited practice exam with 120 questions
  • Access to the student Facebook community
  • High-quality, responsive customer support
  • 100% money-back guarantee

The simulator price is 119 USD, and access is for six months.

Click here for details


You must subscribe to at least one high-quality PMI-RMP exam simulator to help you prepare for the exam. This is an essential part of the exam preparation. You should subscribe to the Brain Sensei simulator to understand the PMI-RMP exam format and the types of questions. This will help you develop the stamina required to attempt the exam.

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Fahad Usmani, PMP

I am Mohammad Fahad Usmani, B.E. PMP, PMI-RMP. I have been blogging on project management topics since 2011. To date, thousands of professionals have passed the PMP exam using my resources.